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About Guy


From the bush of Africa to Coach of The Year - My Journey


I was raised in Zimbabwe - my childhood was full of untamed

miles of game-filled valleys, crocodiles, hippos and canoe

adventures. It was incredibly privileged, but I had no way of

knowing that at the time.


I studied psychology and economics at Rhodes University

in Grahamstown, South Africa, where I met Fiona. 


After uni, we moved to Scotland, got married and had our

first daughter. I became a financial planner after working

in hotel management. Fiona completed her Doctorate (so 

that's Mr. and Dr. Thornycroft!).


In 2000, I moved my family to Australia to run a financial planning software company. We had 3 more children during our first 8 years here. We have made Australia home. 


I worked hard and was often away from home, but thought I had a really good life. I thought I was ticking the boxes. At first it was easy to ignore the growing number of things that were slipping. For a long time I just covered them up.


Fake it 'till you make it, right?


Doubts, fears, long hours, and time away from my family were some of the more obvious cracks. A lot of pretending I was doing well. I was justifying, worrying and hoping, but not feeling confident inside.


It was like waiting for my lucky break that would change everything. I felt empty.



Guy in the bush close up

Soon after acknowledging things were NOT how I wanted them, I discovered a body of knowledge that turned on the light.


It was Natural Success and it gave me real direction, confidence, passion and creativity. Natural Success allowed me to instantly tap into my inner power that had been there, all along. A power I'd caught glimpses of, but had no idea how to use consistently or at will. 


The knowledge ignited my intuition and delivered all the tools to deal successfully with every situation, conflict, crisis and hurdle. It transformed my life, love, satisfaction and fortune.


Turns out that it's true: when the student is ready the teacher appears!


For the last 16 years, I've studied and taught that body of knowledge, and now it's my joy, and pleasure to share that magic with you.

Guy in a conference

To work with you over the years of your growth and discovery, helping you return to your natural whole, creative and powerful state, as commander of your life.


Guy in the bush


To see Natural Success understood and applied brilliantly by those that are ready to shine their light in the world as leaders in their communities

Let's Chat

Let's talk about what you'd like to achieve. I'll send you my diary to pick a time that works for us both. 



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ABN: 621 177 964


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